Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, a Philippine national institution dedicated to provide information on the activities of volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis
NationalDisasterRiskReduction and ManagementCouncil, a council responsible for ensuring the protection and welfare of the people during disasters or emergencies. The NDRRMC plans and leads the guiding activities in the field of communication, warning signals, emergency, transportation, evacuation, rescue
DisasterRiskandVulnerability Reduction, the primary content of disaster management activities revolve around reducing vulnerable conditions and the root causes of vulnerability
PermanentDangerZone (PDZ)
The Philippines is located within the RingofFire, between the Eurasian and Pacific tectonic plates
The Philippines has a number of active volcanoes which periodically threaten their immediate vicinities
The Philippines ranked third among all of the countries with the highest risks worldwide according to the World Risk Report 2018
Any event that causes a level of destruction, death, or injury that affects the abilities of the community to respond to the incident using available resources. A disaster event may even go beyond the ability of the community to recover from the incident using only their own available resources
Natural Disaster
Disasters induced by a natural event (e.g., earthquake, flood, and volcano)
Man-made Disaster
Disasters resulting from the breakdown of regular process with a social system (e.g., war)
Synergistic Disaster
A natural disaster that triggersasecondarydisaster (e.g. an earthquake triggering a tsunami)
Mass Casualty
An event in which 100 or more individuals are involved
Multiple Casualty
An event in which more than 2 but fewer than 100 individuals are involved
Direct Victim
An individual who is immediatelyaffected by the event
Indirect Victim
A familymember or friend of the victim or a first responder
A sudden, urgent, unexpected, unforeseen incidence to a particular individual or group of people requiring immediateaction. This can be responded using already available resources in the health clinic, primary, secondary and textually level hospitals. All resources are readily available and can be managed in a speedy time. It can result to recovery of the patient or population if early attention and interventions have been implemented. The incidents occur more frequently than a disaster events, thus it can be anticipated by a community