research methods

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    • What does hypothesis mean ?
      An idea or explanation that you then test through study and experimentation
    • What is an extraneous variable?

      Something that may impact the experiment but is not suppose to
    • What is an aim ?
      A general statement of what the researcher intends to investigate; the purpose of the study.
    • What is the purpose of an aim ?
      To identify what variables the study is investigating and to explain the outline and purpose of the study
    • What is a hypothesis ?

      A clear, precise, testable statement that states the relationship between the variables to be investigated.
    • What is a null hypothesis ?
      This ALWAYS predicts that any difference or relationship is down to CHANCE so there is NO significant difference or relationship
    • What is operationalisation ?
      Explaining precisely how IV can be manipulated and how DV can be measured.
    • What is a directional hypothesis?
      A one tailed hypothesis - it will specifically state the direction of the results.
    • What is a non-directional hypothesis?
      A two tailed hypothesis - it wont specify the expected direction of the results.
    • What are the four types of experiment ?
      Lab experiment / field experiment / natural experiment / quasi experiment
    • What is a lab experiment ?
      Setting - a tightly controlled artificial experiment.
      IV - deliberately manipulated by the experimenters.
      DV - the experimenters measure it. It will produce quantitative data.
      Extraneous variables - attempt to control and minimise them.
    • What is a field experiment ?
      Setting - natural real word environment.
      IV - deliberately manipulated
      DV - measured
      Extraneous variables - minimal control
    • What is a natural experiment ?
      Setting - any setting
      IV - not manipulated, but naturally occurring (event or experience)
      DV - measured
      Extraneous variables - little to no control
    • What is a quasi experiment ?
      Setting - any setting
      IV - pre existing characteristics, so not manipulated
      DV - measured
      Extraneous variables - little to no control
    • What is validity ?
      The extent to which an experiment is accurate in measuring what it claims to measure
    • What is internal validity?
      - Investigator effects
      - Demand Characteristics
      - Social Desirability
    • What is external validity?
      - Population validity
      - Temporal validity
      - Ecological validity
    • What are demand characteristics ?
      Any cue from the researcher or the research situation that may be interpreted by participants as revealing the purpose of the investigation. This may lead to a participantchanging their behaviour within the research situation.
    • How to control for Demand Characteristics?
      Use a single blind trial, where only the researcher knows the true aim of the experiment. This limits demand characteristics.
    • What is mundane realism?

      The extent to which the tasks used in the experiment are representative of tasks completed in every day life.
    • What is internal validity ?
      The extent to which an experiment can be repeated to check the consistency of the results.
    • What is ecological validity ?

      The extent to which the experimental setting respects real life situations and behaviour.
    • What is standardization?
      Keeping everything the same

      The extent to which there is confidence in the IV causing the effect on the DV.
    • What is replication?
      Findings should be able to be repeated on different occasions
    • What are some advantages of lab experiments ?
      High internal validity/ high reliability
    • What are disadvantages of lab experiments ?
      Low ecological validity and mundane realism/ High demand characteristics
    • What are advantages of field experiments ?
      High ecological validity and mundane realism / low demand characteristics
    • What are disadvantages of field experiments ?
      Low validity and low reliability
    • What are advantages to natural/quasi experiments ?
      High ecological validity and mundane realism
    • What are disadvantages of natural/quasi experiments ?
      Low internal validity / low reliability
    • What is a confounding variable?
      An extraneous variable, that systematically changes alongside the IV so it can cause the change in DV
    • What's a situational variable ?

      Features of the environment or setting that may affect participants behaviour

    • What's a participant variable ?

      Individual differences between participants and the ways in which each participant varies from the other

      Eyesight/ IQ /age
    • What may occur if demand characteristics have an effect ?
      Participants conform to what they believe the researcher wants and expects to happen

      They ruin the results by changing their behaviour
    • How can demand characteristics be resolved ?
      Deception - not revealing the true aim and hypothesis of the study

      Double blind - procedures where neither participants or the researcher interacting with them are aware of the conditions they have been assigned to
    • What are investigator effects ?
      Any unwanted influence by the researchers
    • How can investigator effects be controlled?
      Using the same researcher for all participants

      Double blind - neither participants or researcher is aware of what the conditions are
    • What are the 3 types of experimental designs ?
      Repeated Measures
      Independent Groups
      Matched Pairs
    • What is repeated measures ?

      All participants take part in all conditions of the experiment
      The same people in each condition of the IV
    • What are some advantages and disadvantages of repeated measures ?
      Advantages = participant variables are controller

      Disadvantages = demand characteristics are likely to be experienced / order effects may be experienced