distribution: describes how data is spreadout across a range, showing where most results sit - represent the average and spread of data
normal distribution: mean, median and mode are equal - symmetrical distribution
positively skew - mode < median < mean, long tail on the right
median is always in the middle of the graph
negative skew - mean < median < mode, longtail on the left
mode is always highest point on the graph (most common value)
when to use wilcoxon T test
hypothesis states difference between two sets of data
sets of data are pairs of scores from oneperson/matchedpair (repeatedmeasures or matchedpairs)
data are ordinal or interval
procedure for wilcoxon
calculate difference between two scores by taking one from the other
rank differences, smallest rank 1 (exclude differences of 0)
add up ranks for + differences
add up ranks for - differences
T is smallest figure of the total differences (either + or -)
N is number of scores excluding 0 difference
wilcoxon when are results significant
when observed value T is equal to or less than critical value from table
if there´s an R in the name of the inferential test
the calculated value must be more than or equal to the critical value
if there is no R in the name of the inferential test
the calculated value must be less than or equal to the critical value
when to use mann whitney u test
hypothesis states difference between two set of data
independent measures
data is ordinal or interval
when to use binomial test
hypothesis states difference between two sets of data
repeated measures/matched pairs
data is nominal
procedure for binomial sign test
find observed value (O)
find N (number of differences found)
compare observed value with critical value in critical values table
binomial sign test - finding observed value
work out difference between each participant's two scores (subtract in same direction and remove differences of 0) and identify sign of change (+ or -)
add positive and negative signs - smallest total is observed value (O)
use critical values table to find out if results are significant (using number of participants (removing any with difference of 0)
binomial sign test when are results significant
when observed value O is less than or equal to the critical value
when to use spearman's rho
hypothesis states relationship/link between two sets of data
correlational study
data is ordinal or interval
equation for spearman's rho
size and sign of Spearman's rho tells you about
strength and direction of correlation (-1 to 1)
spearman's rho when are results significant
when observed value is greater or equal to critical value