Criminality is the cause of physical traits - facial features and body shape
Standard criminal according to Lombroso -
Large jaw
Large eye sockets
Eyebrow arch
High cheekbone
Large ears
More likely to get tattoos
Lombroso - People who look like this do not fit into society and are excluded therefore they commit crimes to fit back in or are angry. They would struggle with social skills and relationships and they have a high pain threshold.
limitations of Lombroso
It was done in 1876, so features over time may have been evolved
Only been conducted on men
No control group
Doesn’t have much supporting research
Racist assumptions - non-western features have atavistic characteristics (trying to support his racist views)
strengths of Lombroso -
Father of modern criminology
Takes into account everything for its time
First theory to say that crime doesn’t happen through free will
Sheldon - agreed with Lombroso and claimed that criminality is physiological in origin and are identifiable by their appearance
Sheldon identified 3 stomatypes to make links between body shape and criminality
Endomorph shape -
round body shape
lack of muscle
wide hips
Endomorph character -
Mesomorph shape (criminal) -
strong limbs
broad shoulders
mesomorph character -
Sensation seeking
risk takers
be in control
Ectomorph shape -
lacking fat and muscle
thin face
flat chested
high forehead
Ectomorph character -
emotionally restrained
Sheldon said that mesomorphs are more likely to be the criminal as their physical stature is beneficial in crime and are more likely to engage in risk taking behaviour
strengths of Sheldon -
his work has been replicated by other people
Gleuk and Gleuk investigated and found out that 60% of prisoners were mesomorphs
conducted various studies
limitations of Sheldon -
hard to disentangle the relationship between body type and criminality
the relationship between criminality and body type may not be direct - working class males are more likely to commit crimes (they do lots of manual labour so are more muscular and broad (mesomorph))