By the 1760s, Britain had gained an overseas empire in North America.
Long term:
Colonists were selfmade and saw the British class system as outdated. Many believed anyone could be successful, no matter their background.
America's economy did not rely on Britain.
They believed they could exist separately from Britain.
Long term:
NavigationActs [1651 - 1673] meant onlyBritish goods could be imported to America, so colonists could no longer trade with other countries.
Monopoly of trade with only Britain greatly restricted the type / amount of goods America could bring. This meant competition was rare and prices were high.
Medium term:
Americans were ruled by Britain but had no representatives in British parliament. They were unhappy about paying taxes without having a say.
Stamp Act [1765] was a tax on paper used for all official documents.
Colonists were made to pay taxes to fund British wars with the French, which colonists believed had nothing to do with them.
Short term:
BostonTeaParty [16th December 1773] - colonists poured British tea into the harbour in protest at high taxes on tea. They responded by closing the port, causing more anger.
1774: 56 representatives met at the First Congress. A decision was made to fight the British War of Independence.