The first step to writing an essay is choosing the right topic.
Information can be considered as one of the most valuable assets for any business organization
Data warehouse
A way for organizations to manage their information in a centralized location (either cloud or local server) from which business intelligence can be leveraged to better inform decision making for end users
Business Intelligence (BI)
A set of processes, architectures, and technologies that convert raw data into meaningful information that drives profitable business actions. It is a suite of software and services to transform data into actionable intelligence and knowledge
Data warehousing and business intelligence
Can function as the information backbone of an organization, when optimized, helping them align every aspect of their business with a data-driven strategy
Data flow in a data warehousing and BI system
1. DataSource
2. DataWarehouse
3. BusinessIntelligence
4. EndUserAccess
Goals of Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence
The DW/BI system must makeinformationeasilyaccessible
The DW/BI system must presentinformationconsistently
The DW/BI system must adapttochange
The DW/BI system must presentinformationinatimelyway
The DW/BI system must beasecurebastionthatprotectstheinformationassets
The business communitymustaccepttheDW/BIsystemtodeemitsuccessful
Responsibilities of DW/BI Managers
Understand the businessusers
Deliver high-quality, relevant, and accessibleinformation and analytics to the business users
Sustain the DW/BI environment
Dimensional modeling
A longstanding technique for making databases simple. It addresses two simultaneous requirements: Deliver data that's understandable to the business users, and Deliver fast query performance
Dimensional Model
Designed to read, summarize, analyze numeric information like values, balances, counts, weights, etc. in a data warehouse
Normalized 3NF structures
Divide data into many discrete entities, each of which becomes a relational table, prioritizing efficient addition, updating, and deletion of data to minimize redundancy
Star Schema
Dimensional models implemented in relational database management systems, resembling a star-like structure
A data structure that allows fast analysis of data according to the multiple Dimensions that define a business problem
Two Key Components of Star Schema
Fact Tables for Measurements
Dimension Tables for Descriptive Context
Fact Table
Stores the performance measurements resulting from an organization's business process events. Fact represents a business measure
Dimension Tables
Contain the textual context associated with a business process measurement event. They describe the "who, what, where, when, how, and why" associated with the event
Kimball's DW/BI Architecture
Operational Source System
ETL System
Business Intelligence Application
ETL in the Back Room Kitchen
Layout must highly efficient, For ConsistentQualityOutput, For Data Quality, Integrity, and Consistency, SkilledProfessionals and Closed Environment
Data Presentation and BI in the Front Dining Room
Four Key Factors: Food (quality, taste, and presentation), Decor (appealing, comfortable surroundings for the patrons), Service (prompt food delivery, attentive support staff, and food received as ordered), Cost
Independent Data Mart Architecture
Data Mart - a subset of a data warehouse focused on a particular line of business, department, or subject area. This approach, analytic data is deployed on a departmental basis without concern for sharing and integrating information across the enterprise
Hub-and-Spoke Corporate Information Factory Inmon Architecture
The Hub: Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) - This is the core repository of the CIF, storing all raw, atomic data extracted from operational systems. The Spokes: Data Marts - These are smaller data stores built on top of the EDW, catering to the specific needs of individual departments
Hybrid Spoke and Hub and Kimball Architecture
The HubandSpoke model can be applied to the management of data across different business units or departments. Each Spoke may implement Kimball Architecture internally to organize its specific data using dimensional models. The Centralhub ensures coordination, governance and standardization of data practices across all spokes
Dimensional Modeling Myths
Dimensional Models are Only for Summary Data
Dimensional Models are Departmental, Not Enterprise
Dimensional Models are Not Scalable
Dimensional Models are Only for Predictable Usage
Dimensional Models Can't Be Integrated
Facttables frequently have billions of rows; fact tables containing 2 trillion rows have been reported
Standalonesystems are software programs or solutions that function independently and is not integrated with any other solutions and/or devices