Each muscle fibre has ~100-1000s of myofibrils, 1-2 µm in diameter, same length as muscle cell
Protein bundles or myofilaments (thin actin, thick myosin)
Interactions between sarcomeres create contractions, I band, A band, H band (M line)
Muscle action
1. Muscle shortening (contraction is the active process)
2. Muscles lengthening (passive by being pulled externally)
1. Axon contains neurotransmitter (ACh)
2. Action potential travels along axon
3. Triggers release when reaches terminal
4. ACh diffuses across synaptic cleft
5. Na+ inrush triggers muscle action potential
Cardiac muscle tissue
Found only in the heart, excitable tissue, short small cells, striated appearance, conductive ends (intercalated disks), aerobic metabolism
Cardiac muscle action
Intercalated disks make electric continuity, cells are spontaneously active, rate modulated by action of nervous system
Smooth muscle
Different to skeletal & cardiac muscle, regulatory role, no striations (sarcomeres), contractions spontaneous, very little nervous innervation, mainly hormonal control
Muscle fibres parallel to long axis of muscle, large proportion of muscles are this type, most have tendons at each end, contraction shortens and fattens the muscle
Convergent muscles
Fan shaped, narrow attaching to tendon at one end, broad attachment at other end
Pennate muscles
Form a common angle with tendon, direction of pull of fibres is not parallel to muscle body, generate less movement but more force
Circular muscles
Arranged circumferentially, also known as sphincter muscles, contraction closes the opening