psychodynamic explanations

Cards (9)

  • Blackburn's three types of inadequate superego
    Weak superego
    Deviant superego
    Over-harsh superego
  • Weak superego
    If the same-gender parent is absent during the phallic stage, it cannot internalise and fully form a superego
    This would make immoral or offending behaviour more likely
  • Deviant superego
    If the superego that the child internalises is immoral this would lead to offending behaviour
    E.g. boy raised by criminal father
  • Over-harsh superego

    An excessively punitive parenting style leads to a child with an over-harsh superego which is crippled with guilt and anxiety
    The person therefore may unconsciously perform criminal acts to satisfy the superegos need for punishment
  • Strength of psychodynamic explanations of crime
    Research supporting the link between offending and the Superego
  • Why is "research supporting the link between offending and the Superego." a strength of psychodynamic explanations of crime?
    Goreta conducted a Freudian analysis of ten offenders referred for psychiatric treatment
    In all those assessed, disturbances in superego formation were diagnosed
    Each offender experiences unconscious feelings of guilt and the need for self-punishment
    Goreta explained this as an over-harsh superego and the need for punishment
    This evidence seems to support the role of psychic conflicts and an over-harsh Superego as a basis for offending behaviour
  • Limitations of psychodynamic explanations of crime
    Principles that are central to the inadequate superego are not supported
    Freudian theory is heavily gender-biased
  • Why is "principles that are central to the inadequate superego are not supported" a limitation of psychodynamic explanations of crime?
    If this theory was correct, we would expect harsh, punitive parents to raise children who consciously experience guilt and anxiety.However, research suggests the opposite is true and Parents who rely on harsh forms of discipline tend to raise rebellious children who rarely express feelings of guilt. This is a weakness as it questions the relationship between a punitive internal parent (superego) and excessive feelings of guilt within the child
  • Limitation of psychodynamic explanantion - "Freudian theory is heavily gender-biased" 

    Freuds theory suggests that women develop a weaker superego due to less intense emotion associated with the same-gender parent, leading to a weaker superego. This theory suggests women are more prone to offending than men, but evidence shows the opposite, indicating alpha bias in Freud's theory and suggesting it may not be an appropriate explanation for offending behavior.