Module 1

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Cards (70)

  • Histology - The science deals with study of normal tissues. As prelude to pathology
  • Observation – key to identifying cell type
  • Pathology - study of abnormal tissues
  • Abnormal tissues - tissues with altered structure and function of body, organs, tissues and cells
  • Tissues - group of cells that have similar structure and intercellular materials interrelated to perform a specific function
  • Tissue came from Old French word “tussu” which means “weave fabric strands
  • Cytology - study of cells
  • Cells - basic unit of life that composed all the living things
  • Mitosis - division of a cell into two daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell
  • Meiosis - division of germ cells. It results in four daughter cell which are not identical to the parent cell- only one copy of each paternal and maternal chromosomes can be found in the daughter cells
  • Histology – division of anatomy
    • Gross Anatomy
    Microscopic Anatomy
  • Cytology - study of cells and structures
  • Histology - study of groups of similar cells for performance of specific function/s
  • Organology - Study of group of tissues arranged in pattern of a particular organ
  • Anton Van Leeuwenhoek - Using his handheld microscope, was the first person to observe and describe living cells (16th Cent)
  • Robert Hooke - An English microscopist and physicist observed a slice of cork under a microscope.
    • He discovered many small compartments-like honey comb structures which he described as cells.
    • Latin term cellule
    • 1st describe nucleus while examining RBC of salmon also discovered protozoa, bacteria, muscles, nerves, etc.
  • Marcelo Malpighi (Italian anatomist) - 1st describe true units forming animal tissues using simple lenses
    • True Father of Histology
  • Robert Brown - Introduce nucleus
    • Observed in epidermal cells of orchids
    • Noticed small dense centers in plant cells but function is yet unknown
  • Marie Francois Bichat (1802) - French pathologist
    • Termed tissues as textures
    • Tissues: different group of cells
  • Matthias Schleiden - Proposed cell theory for Plants
  • Theodor Schwann - Described animals are made of cells
    • Discovered cells that form sheath surrounding nerve (1838-1839)
  • Friedrich Gustav Jacob Henle - Published 1st Human Histology (1841)
  • Max Schultze - 1st describe cells as mass of nucleated protoplasm (1861)
  • Rudolf Virchow - Fundamental Law of Biology or Law of Virchow (1863)
    • Described human body as “cell state”
    • All diseases involved changes in normal cells
  • 19th Century - Microtome, fixing, embedding & staining techniques