straight and level

Cards (9)

  • Straight and level

    Flying a straight line while maintaining the same altitude
  • Maintaining a straight line
    • Look for big features straight ahead from the aircraft
    • Utilize the compass to maintain a constant heading
  • Maintaining level
    • Keep the wings level
    • Maintain a constant altitude using the altimeter
    • Maintain a constant airspeed
  • Four forces in straight and level flight
    • Weight
    • Lift
    • Thrust
    • Drag
  • Pre-entry work cycle
    1. Set heading
    2. Set altitude
    3. Lookout for other aircraft
  • Entry cycle (PAST)

    1. Power
    2. Attitude
    3. Speed
    4. Trim
  • Maintenance cycle (ALAP)
    1. Attitude
    2. Lookout
    3. Attitude
    4. Performance
    • When increasing power, pitch first then throttle (blue to black)
    • When reducing power, throttle first then pitch (black to blue)
  • Avoid fixating too much on instruments, look outside 90% of the time