Amorphous solid formed when a liquid is cooled rapidly enough that the atoms do not have time to rearrange into a crystalline pattern
Lack long-range order, have short-range order, and exhibit properties different from crystalline solids
Glass formation
1. Liquid is cooled rapidly enough that atoms do not have time to rearrange into a crystalline pattern
2. Atoms become "frozen" in an amorphous structure
Homogeneous nucleation
Nucleation that occurs without the benefit of preexisting heterogeneities
Heterogeneous nucleation
Nucleation that occurs at heterogeneities in the melt such as container walls, insoluble inclusions, and free surfaces
Nucleation rate goes through a maximum as a function of undercooling
Nucleation almost always occurs heterogeneously rather than homogeneously
Assumptions in deriving nucleation equations: homogeneous nucleation, steady-state rate, no composition change, no volume change
Homogeneous nucleation
Nucleation that occurs in the bulk of the material, not at defects or interfaces
Heterogeneous nucleation
Nucleation that occurs at defects, interfaces, pores, grain boundaries, and free surfaces
Measuring nucleation rates
Heat treat glass to certain temperature for given time, cool, section, count number of nuclei, calculate nucleation rate assuming steady-state nucleation
Measured nucleation rates are 20 orders of magnitude larger than predicted by theory
Standard growth
Growth model where interface is rough on atomic scale, growth rate determined by surface reaction rate, not diffusion
Surface nucleation growth
Growth model where interface is smooth, growth occurs by spreading of monolayer at preferred sites like ledges or steps
Screw dislocation growth
Growth model where interface is smooth but imperfect, growth occurs at step sites provided by screw dislocations
As undercooling increases
Growth rate goes through a maximum due to competing effects of increasing driving force and decreasing atomic mobility
Time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagram defines time required at any temperature for given volume fraction to crystallize
Critical cooling rate (CCR)
Minimum cooling rate required to avoid detectable crystallization
Surface reaction rate
Reaction rate controlled by the rate of reactions occurring at the surface (as opposed to diffusion-controlled)
Surface reaction rate
Three-dimensional with time
If the growth were diffusion-limited, the growth rate would be not linear with time but parabolic
Nucleation rate is random and continuous
Calculating fraction crystallized
1. Given the nucleation and growth rates at any given temperature, the fraction crystallized can be calculated as a function of time from Eq. (9.19)
2. Repeating the process for other temperatures and joining the loci of points having the same volume fraction transformed yield the familiar TTT diagram
Critical cooling rate (CCR)
Estimate of the critical cooling rate given by (T_L - T_n)/t_n
Glass composition
Strong (log scale) functionality of the CCR on glass composition
Criteria for glass formation
Low nucleation rate
High viscosity at or near the melting point
Absence of nucleating heterogeneities
Ratio AS_l/\eta_m
The smaller the product, the more likely a melt will form a glass
If cooled rapidly enough, any liquid will form a glass
Network formers
Covalently bonded, silicate-based oxide melts with a continuous three-dimensional network of linked polyhedra
Network modifiers
Oxides such as alkali or alkaline earth oxides that modify the properties of a glass
Alumina can behave as either a glass network or a glass modifier
Glass transition temperature (T_g)
Temperature at which a supercooled liquid transforms from a rubbery, soft plastic state to a rigid, brittle, glassy state
Glass transition temperature (T_g)
Depends on cooling rate
Not a thermodynamic quantity, but rather a kinetic one
Abrupt decrease in thermal expansion coefficient and heat capacity due to "freezing out" of molecular degrees of freedom
Cooling rates affect the rearrangement of atoms, with slower cooling resulting in a denser glass
The glass transition temperature (Tg) is a kinetic phenomenon, not a thermodynamic one
The abrupt decrease in properties like thermal expansion coefficient (a) and heat capacity (cp) at Tg is due to the "freezing out" of molecular degrees of freedom
The viscosity of a glass at Tg is around 10^15 Pa·s, indicating low atomic mobility
If a glass-forming liquid is cooled slowly enough, its entropy could become lower than that of the crystal, leading to the Kauzmann paradox
A measure of the rigidity of the glass network
Adding network modifiers tends to reduce Tg, while adding network formers increases it
Measuring Tg
Measure any property that changes slope at Tg, such as by using differential thermal analysis (DTA)