Themes 4/5

Cards (19)

  • Class Consciousness: an awareness of what is in th ebest interests of one's class
  • Class reductionism: intellectual fallacy that all forms of oppression are just about class - a view that wrongly downplays the role of factors such as race, gender, age, and ethnicity
  • Dominant Capitalist Class: those who own or control large scale production
  • discrimination: acts by which individuals are treated differenty - rewarded or punished - based on their group membership
  • Hegemony: the use of power by groups with more power; using domination to satisfy interests
  • ideology: a set of interrelated beliefs about society and the people in it
  • Karl Marx: talks a lot about class but missed the idea of social mobility and was unconcerned with socialization
  • Master Narratives: a narrative that a country/dominant power creates about itself
  • middle class: between super rich and super poor
  • prejudice: "pre"-judgement of others on the basis of their group membership
  • proletariate: the working class
  • Racialization: social process in which people where viewed and judged as essentially different in terms of their intellect, morality, values, and innate worth because of their physical or culteral heritage
  • Social contructivism: the idea that social identities such as genger, ethnicity, and race do not exist "naturally" but are constructed by individuals or groups for different social purposes
  • Social inequality: long term existence of significant differences in access to goods and services among social groups, defined by class, race, ethnicity, etc.
  • Social mobility: moving up and/or down classes
  • Strata: a level or class to which people are assigned according to their social status, education, or income. Usually a number of equal groups into which a population has been divided for comparison
  • white genocidalists: believe that other races shouldn't exist
    ex. Hitler
  • White seperatists: want white people to live apart from other races because they believe that whites are better and must be "protected" from "race-mixing"
    ex. Diagalon
  • Working Class: made up of people who lack resources or capacities apart from their own labour power