Allows us to get our basic needs met. Also called the pleasure principle. It refers to the selfish, primitive, childish pleasure-oriented part of the personality, with no ability to delay gratification.
The reality principle. The ego's job is to meet the needs of the id, whilst taking into account the constraints of reality. Ego is the moderator between the id and superego which seeks compromises to pacify both.
Superego (Conscience of Man)
Develops during the phallic stage as a result of the moral constraints placed on us by our parents. It internalizes society and parental standards of good and bad, right and wrong behavior.
Levels of Awareness
Conscious Level
Preconscious Level
Unconscious Level
Conscious Level
Consists of whatever sensations and experiences you are aware of at a given moment of time.
Preconscious Level
This domain is sometimes called "available memory" that encompasses all experiences that are not conscious at the moment but which can easily be retrieved into awareness either spontaneously or with a minimum effort.
Unconscious Level
The deepest and major stratum of the human mind. It is the storehouse for primitive instinctual drives plus emotions and memories that are so threatening to the conscious mind that they have been repressed, or unconsciously pushed into the unconscious mind.
Stages of Psychosexual Development
Oral Stage (0-18 months)
Anal Stage (18 months-3 years)
Phallic Stage (3-6 years)
Latency Stage (6-11 years)
Genital Stage (Puberty to Adulthood/ 11 years on)
Oral Stage
The first psychosexual stage in which the infant's source of id gratification is the mouth. Infants get pleasure from sucking and swallowing.
Anal Stage
When parents decide to toilet train their children during anal, the children learn how much control they can exert over others with anal sphincter muscles. Children can have the immediate pleasure of expelling feces, but that may cause their parents to punish them.
Phallic Stage
Genitals become the primary source of pleasure. The child's erotic pleasure focuses on masturbation, that is on self-manipulation of the genitals. He develops a sexual attraction to the parent of the opposite sex; boy develops unconscious desires for their mother and become rivals with their father for her affection.
Oedipus Complex
Refers to an instance where in boys build up a warm and loving relationship with mothers (mommy's boy).
Electra Complex
Refers to an occasion where in girls experience an intense emotional attachments for their fathers (daddy's girl).
Latency Stage
Sexual interest is relatively inactive in this stage. Sexual energy is going through the process of sublimation and is being converted into interest in schoolwork, riding bicycles playing house and sports.
Genital Stage
Refers to the start of puberty and genital stage; there is renewed interest in obtaining sexual pleasure through the genitals. Masturbation often becomes frequent and leads to orgasm for the first time. Sexual and romantic interests in others also become a central motive.
Freud's Basic Instincts
Eros (Love)
Thanatos (Death)
Named after the Greek god for love, Eros includes the sex drives and drives such as hunger and thirst.
Named after Greek god for death, This includes not only striving for death but also destructive motives such as hostility and aggression.