The main goal of apartheid was to keep races separate as much as possible and that included tribal elements of the black africans
What was the keystone of apartheid
The population registration act of 1950
which act created a register that recorded the ethnic group of all South Africans into four categories, what are these categories ?
The population registration act, categorising into white,black,coloured and Indian
which act banned intermarriage
mixed marriages act 1949
What was the immorality act 1950
Banned sexual intercourse between members of different ethnic groups - punishable by imprisonment
The Group areas act came out in what year
What law allowed the government to designate a particular area for a particular ethnic group
the group areas act of 1950, which also could forcible evict ethnic groups that didn’t belong in certain areas.
how many evictions of Africans did the group areas act make happen between 1951 and 1986
it caused the forced eviction of 3.5 million Africans between 1951 and 1986
What happened to Sophiatown due to the group areas act of 1950
In February 1955, Africans were evicted and moved to a new township called meadowlands
What was the Bantu authorities act of 1951
This act stated that Africans could only be allowed to reside/live in areas in which were set aside for them as tribal reserves.
This act removed responsibility of providing welfare and development programmes from the government and gave it to tribal leaders
However, the resources to provide such amenities were not given and so the tribal ‘homelands’ were never able to be self sufficient
the act set in stone the idea that tribal groups shouldn’t mix
why couldn’t tribal ‘homelands’ be self sufficient?
Because the resources to provide amenities were not given and so tribal homelands couldn’t provide for themselves, especially since they were placed on the most infertile soil in SA
1950s-60s where was there high tensions in the world and where was Africa caught in.
Height of tension between the capital west and the communist east.Africa was caught in the middle
who was the np an ally of communist or capitalism ?
what led to the passing of the suppression of communism act of 1950
The np believing and stoking fear that communist agitators were behind any anti- government protests
what was the suppression of communism act 1950
communism became a word to describe any anti gov movements , anyone the authorities claimed was subversive could be imprisoned, organisation and individuals could be banned
what are the acts passed to suppress communism
Public safety act 1953[allowed gov to act by emergency decree]
criminal amendment act 1953[anyone accompanying a person who was found guilty is automatically assumed to be guilty as well.
Censorship act 1953 [ any criticism of South African government policy was not allowed to be brought into the country]
Riotious Assemblies act 1956[ banned people could not address crowds,and any meeting which might engender hostility between races were outlawed]