
Subdecks (1)

Cards (8)

  • what is interference
    when one memory prevents the retrieval of another
  • what are the two types of interference
    - proactive
    - retroactive
  • retroactive interference
    - NEW memory affects OLD memory
    - e.g forgot your old phone number ; the new one replaced it
  • proactive interference

    - OLD memory affects NEW memory
    - e.g learning Spanish but mixing it up with your already learnt french vocab
  • postman (1960)
    - Learning items in a second list interfered with the participants ability to recall the first list = retroactive interference
    - carried out in a lab therefore lacks ecological validity but is reliable; can easily be replicated
  • Baddeley and Hitch (1977)

    - Rugby players who have played every game were more likely to forget matches; latest games interfered with the recall of the earlier matches
    - carried out in a lab therefore lacks ecological validity but is reliable; can easily be replicated
  • McGeoch and McDonald (1931)

    - discovered that PI and RI is worse when memories or content is similar
    - ptts had to learn a list of 10 words and then another list
    - there were six groups w/ diff types of list
    - due to PI = previosly stored infor makes new info difficult to store
    - due to RI = new info overwrites previous similar memories due to its similarity