Factors affecting EWT (anxiety)

Cards (17)

  • Anxiety def
    -State of emotions & physical arousal.
    -Includes thoughts of worry and tension.
    -Physical changes: higher bpm & sweatiness
    -can affect accuracy if detail of EWT
  • Who did research on the negative effect on recall
    Johnson and Scott
  • What method did Johnson & scott use
    -Ppt believes they were taking part in lab experiment but while waiting heard casual convo next door and saw man walk past carrying a pen with grease on hands. Then heard heated argument then sound of break glass then man walked past the room holding a knife with blood on his hands
  • Result of Johnson and scott
    - 49% ppt picked out man holding pen (out of 50 photo)
    - but only 33% identified knife man
  • Conclusion of Johnson and scott
    Knife exposure increases levels of anxiety and weapon focus effect occurs (focus on knife rather than face(
  • Who found that anxiety has a positive effect of recall
    Yuille and Cutshall
  • What method did Yuille and Cutshall use
    -Actual shooting in gun shop in Vancouver, Canada (shop owner shit thief dead)
    -21 witnesses (13 took part in study)
    -accuracy was determined by no. of details reported in each account
    -witnesses were asked to rate how stresses they felt at the time (on 7 point scale) if they experienced emotional issues since the event (eg imsomnia)
  • What were the findings of Yuille and Cutshall
    Witnesses were v accurate & little change in recall & accuracy after 5 months (but some a little less accurate eg estimates of height)
    -Those who reported more stress were more accurate (88% vs 75% less stressed)
    -Suggests anxiety doesn't have detrimental effect on accuracy of EWT in real world application (may even enhance it)
  • Who developed inverted U theory
  • Yerkes-Dodson Law def
    -Low level of anxiety produce bad recall, but memory becokes mroe accurate as anxiety increases
    -Optimal level of anxiety
    -If witness experiences too much anxiety, recall is reduced
  • Evaluation... ...
  • Strengths of anxiety as a factor of EWT
    +Evidence support for negative effects
    +Support for positive effects
  • What supporting evidence is there for :)
    +Tim Valentine & Jan Mesout used heart rate to divide ppt into high & low anxiety groups. Anxiety clearly interrupted ppt ability to recall ab actor in London Dungeons Labyrinth. So high level of anxiety has bad effect on immediate recall of stressful events
  • What is support for positive effect :)
    +Christianson & Hubriette interviewed 58 witnesses to recall bank robberies in Sweden. Some were directly involved (bank workers) and others bystanders. Researchers assumed directly involved had more anxiety. Recall was 75%+ accurate across all witnesses but direct victims (who were more anxious) were msot accurate
  • Weaknesses of anxiety as a factor of EWT
    -Usualness not anxiety
    -Problems w/inverted U theory
  • How is Usualness not anxiety a weakness
    -May not have tested anxiety (surprised not scared)
    -Pickel used scissors, handgun, wallet or raw chicken. EWT was worse in unusual conditions (scissors or raw chicken)
  • What problems are there iwrh inverted-U theory
    -Inverted U theory is a reason explanation of contradictory findings linking anxiety w/ better/worse EW recall
    -BUT ignores fact that anxiety has many aspects (cognitive, behavioural, emotional & physical)
    -Only focuses on physical arousal & assumes that is only aspect (but cognitive reaction may be important)