permanent, semantic coding, unlimited capacity and duration
SR characteristics
coding- modality specific
capacity- very large
duration 0.5-3 secs
STM characteristics
coding- acoustic
capacity- 7 +/- 2
duration- 18- 30 secs
Multistore Model of Memory describes which stores?
Sensory Register, Long Term Memory, Short Term Memory
Coding of SR study?
iconic store + echoic store can hold 0.5-3 secs of info
SR is modality specific
Capacity of SR
flashed a 3x4 letter grid up and asked ppts to recall 1 row
recall was high suggests capacity is large
Duration of SR
iconic store average 0.5 secs
Coding of STM
Baddeley 1966
gave ppts list of words- acoustically similar, acoustically dissimilar, semantically similar, semantically dissimilar
recall was worse with acoustically similar
shows coding is acoustic
Capacity of STM
Miller 1956
immediate digit span test
could remember 7+/-2 bits of info
Duration of STM
trigram + 3 digit number, asked to count back in 3s from number, stopped after amount of time (retention interval)
Coding of LTM
Baddeley 1966
-given 20 mins to rehearse
semantically similar performed worst
Capacity of LTM
Linton 1975
kept a diary and associated it with a word a day
could recall a days events with 70% even 7 years later
Duration of LTM
asked to recall graduating class through either free name recall or 50 photo test
-15 years= 90% on photos, 60% in free name recall
-48 years-70% in photos 30% in free name recall
The multistore model was proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin
one strength of the MSM is there is research evidence such as Baddeley 1966 regarding the coding of STM.
One limitation of the MSM is the amnesia patient KF had poor memory for verbal information but almost perfect for visual information. This criticises the MSM for being too simple
Another limitation is prolonged rehearsal is not needed for info to transfer to LTM as it says in MSM. Elaborative rehearsal is- where you link info to existing knowledge