Multi-Store Model

Cards (18)

  • Define coding
    how info is stored
  • LTM characteristics
    permanent, semantic coding, unlimited capacity and duration
  • SR characteristics
    coding- modality specific
    capacity- very large
    duration 0.5-3 secs
  • STM characteristics
    coding- acoustic
    capacity- 7 +/- 2
    duration- 18- 30 secs
  • Multistore Model of Memory describes which stores?
    Sensory Register, Long Term Memory, Short Term Memory
  • Coding of SR study?

    iconic store + echoic store can hold 0.5-3 secs of info
    SR is modality specific
  • Capacity of SR

    flashed a 3x4 letter grid up and asked ppts to recall 1 row
    recall was high suggests capacity is large
  • Duration of SR

    iconic store average 0.5 secs
  • Coding of STM
    Baddeley 1966
    gave ppts list of words- acoustically similar, acoustically dissimilar, semantically similar, semantically dissimilar
    recall was worse with acoustically similar
    shows coding is acoustic
  • Capacity of STM
    Miller 1956
    immediate digit span test
    could remember 7+/-2 bits of info
  • Duration of STM

    trigram + 3 digit number, asked to count back in 3s from number, stopped after amount of time (retention interval)
  • Coding of LTM
    Baddeley 1966
    -given 20 mins to rehearse
    semantically similar performed worst
  • Capacity of LTM
    Linton 1975
    kept a diary and associated it with a word a day
    could recall a days events with 70% even 7 years later
  • Duration of LTM
    asked to recall graduating class through either free name recall or 50 photo test
    -15 years= 90% on photos, 60% in free name recall
    -48 years-70% in photos 30% in free name recall
  • The multistore model was proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin
  • one strength of the MSM is there is research evidence such as Baddeley 1966 regarding the coding of STM.
  • One limitation of the MSM is the amnesia patient KF had poor memory for verbal information but almost perfect for visual information. This criticises the MSM for being too simple
  • Another limitation is prolonged rehearsal is not needed for info to transfer to LTM as it says in MSM. Elaborative rehearsal is- where you link info to existing knowledge