There are two main explanations, Interference and Retrieval Failure
Interference-Two pieces of information conflict with each other, there are two types, proactive and retroactive
Proactive-Older memories disrupt newer ones
Retroactive-Newer memories disrupt older ones
In both PI and RI, memory is worse when info is similar, proved by Mcgeogh and Mcdonald. Gave 2 different word lists one after the other, Found that word lists that were similar had the worst recall
One strength is there is real life evidence for interference. Baddeley and Hitch for rugby players to recall names and teams they played. The further back they played them, the worse the recall.
one limitation is interference is temporary and cane be aided to remember with cues
one limitation of interference is studies use artificial tasks which decreases ecological validity of theory
Retrieval failure-Memory available but not accessible.
Encoding specificity principle (ESP)Tulving – forgetting occurs if cues at encoding and retrieval are different or absent when recalling
Context-dependent forgetting-Godden and Baddeley's study of deep-sea divers – recall in environment different from where learning took place, worse retrieval when environments were different
State-dependent forgetting-Carter and Cassaday's study of hay-fever medication – physical or psychological state different from when learning took place. Worse recall when states were different.
One strength of retrieval failure is there is research support- Baddeley and Godden and Carter and Cassady
One strength is retrieval cues are used in everyday life