"Why do birds migrate," "Why do lions live in groups" relate to what type of type of study?
behavioral ecology
"when he yawns i yawn" "monkey see monkey do" "birds migrating" "bird knocking eggs back into nest in a specific way" Which sentence doesn't imply a fixed action pattern?
Birds migrating
What external cue that cues a fixed action pattern?
A sign stimulus
The position of the stars or sun
Their circadian clock
Earth's magnetic field
The above can all help an animals' orientation
Nocturnal communication: olfactory and auditory
Dinural communication: visual and auditory
Innate behavior does not vary and is fixed
"babies cry" Give proximate and ultimate explanations for this?
Proximate: Pooped in diaper Ultimate: evolved to cry for help
Cues are passive and non-evolutionary communication
Signals influence the receptors' behavior and are evolutionary
Knee jerk reflex, eating when hungry and cat arching back to being scratched are examples of what type of behavior?
Innate behavior
imprinting can only occur during the sensitive period, which is the the period where behavior can be learned
Why do squirrels lose their food in the winter when snow covers their landmarks used to find said food?
This is due to the squirrel's cognitivemap being wrong
How does the squirrel know where it buried it's nut?
Because of spatial learning
The squirrel doesn't eat the red nut because the last one it ate gave it a stomach ache. This is because of what type of learning?
Associative learning
A squirrel learned how to build a nest by watching other squirrels, this is due to what?
Social learning
Species that are polyamorous are usually sexually dimorphic
A squirrel calls that there is a predator even though it is at greater risk of dying for the good of others, this is referred to as?