Communication is a requirement for survival and growth not only people but also organizations
Modern armies consider communication as an important factor in waging a successful attempt to defeat the enemy
Modernorganizations consider communication as an important factor in motivating their employees to improve productivity
Communication may be defined as the transfer of information including feelings and ideas from one person to another
The goal of communication is tohavethereceiverunderstandthemessageasitwasintended
True - communication is essential for the coordination of business.
Effective communication system provides management with answers to questions related to what motivates its workers to perform effectively.
Communication is a two-wayprocess in which a sender reaches a receiver with a message.
Six components of an effective communication:
acommunication sourceorsender
The sender is a person who makes the attempt to send a message which could be spoken written in sign language or nonverbal to another person
The message is a purpose or an idea to be conveyed in a communication event.
The message is the actual physical product as a result of encoding
The channel is the medium to which the message travels
Types of channels:
telephone and cellphones
written memos and letters
posted notices
Face-to-face channel is the most effective
Posted notices and bulletins are the least effective
Two classification of communication channel:
Formal channel -the communication policies, procedures, and other official announcements.
Informal channels do not follow the chain of command.
Grapevine is a type of informal channel that transfer information through networks of friends and acquaintances.
The receiver the person receiving the message
The receiver must interpret and understand the message
Feedback refers to the process of communicating how one feels about something another person has done or said
Feedback provides a clue to the sender of information whether the message he sent was received as intended
Environment refers to the circumstances in which messages are transmitted and received
Noise anything that disrupts communication including the attitude and emotions of the receiver
Three basic methods of interpersonal communication:
Verbal communication is a major means of sending messages
Verbalcommunication includes one-on-one meetings, speeches, grapevine, telephone, departmental or interdepartmental meetings, presentation, and the like.
Writtencommunication include memos, notice-boards, and letters to staff
It is formal and authoritative, writtencommunication
Nonverbalcommunication that takes place through facial expressions, body movements, eye contacts, and other physicals gesture.
Four functions of communication:
Informationfunction provides information needed in decision making
Motivationfunction a means used to encourage commitment to organizational objectives
Control function clarifies duties, authority, and responsibilities, thereby permitting control. What exactly he is expected to do
Emotivefunction communication permits the expression of feelings and the satisfaction of social needs
Four basic goals of effective communication:
Effective communication is really a way to achieve certain goals
Barriersofcommunication when the receivers is not able to properly receive or understand the message as intended by the sender