Feminists: serves the needs of men and oppresses women. It is a 'rose-tinted' harmonious consensus view
Marxists: meets needs of capitalism not the family or society as a whole
F: 'Functional fit' - Parsons
2 kinds of family structures = nuclear & extended family
Each structire and functions of a family will 'fit' the needs the of society in which it is found
Nuclear fits needs of industrial society, Extended fits pre-industrial
Loss of functions
the modern nuclear family specialise in performing 2 essential functions
Primary socialisation of children
Stablisation of adult personalities - a place where adults can relax and release tensions enabling them to return to the workplace which is efficient for the economy
M: Private property - Engels
Monogamy is essential because of the inheritance of private property
This brought a defeat of the female sex as it turned them into an instrument for the production of children
M: Ideological function - Zaretsky
Family offers a 'haven' from the harsh & exploitative world of capitalism
Workers can 'be themselves' and have a private life
Yet this is an illusion as the family can't meet its members' needs as its based on the domestic servitude of women
M: Unit of conumption
Family generates profits for capitalists
As advertisers urge families to 'keep up with the Joneses' by consuming all the latest products
Media target children to use 'pester power' to persuade their parents to spend more
Children 'must have' the latest gadgets and are mocked by peers if they don't
Marxist perspective - Criticism
Ignore variety of family structures
Place emphasis on class but underestimate gender inequalities in the family
Ignores the benefits the family provides for its members
FE: Liberal fem
Concerned with campaigning against sex discrimination and for equal rights & opportunities
Argue it is gradually being overcome through changing attitudes e.g. Sex Discrimation Act 1975
Full equality depends on furter reforms and change in socialisation patterns
FE: Marxist fem
Women reproduce the labour force through their unpaid domestic labour & socialising the next gen of workers
Women absorb the anger. Ansley: Wives are 'takers of shit' who soak up their husband's frustration as they feel alienated and exploited
Women are a reserve army of cheap labour who can be taken on when extra work is needed or be let go off when not
FE: Radical fem
Men are the enemy and source of women's exploitation & oppression
Family and marriage are key insitutions in patraiarchy. It needs to be overturned and women need to live independently of men
Argue for 'political lesbianism' as heterosexual relationships are oppressive as they involve 'sleeping with the enemy'
Greer: argues for the creation of all-female households as an alternative
Radical fem - Criticism
Somerville: radicals fail to recognise the improvement of women's position with better access to divorce, jobs, control over own fertility or to marry
Heterosexual attraction makes it unlikely that political lesbianism/ separatism will happen
FE: Difference fem
All women have very different experiences (White, Black, M/C or W/C)
White feminists neglect Black women's experience of racial oppression
Black feminists view the family as a source of support & resistance against racism
Difference fem - Criticism
All women face the risk of domestic violence & sexual assault, low pay etc.