Three distinct components: the id, representing primitive desires and the need for gratification, the superego, representing moral and social constraints, and the ego, representing reality and the ability to delay gratification
If the superego (the moral part of the personality) is deficient then criminality is inevitable as the id (pleasure principle) is not properly controlled and we are going to give into our urges and impulses
Bowlby's maternal deprivation hypothesis predicts that if an infant is deprived of a mother or mother figure during the critical period of attachment in the first few years, there will be serious and permanent consequences
The implication of Freud's theory is that there should be more females drawn to crime, and therefore our prisons should be over represented with females
Our legal system is based on the premise that criminals have personal and moral responsibilities for their crimes, and only in extreme cases, such as a diagnosis of mental illness, can someone claim they were not acting under their own free will