
Cards (11)

  • Define Obedience?
    A form of social influence in which an individual acts due to a direct order from authority
  • Milgram AO1- procedure + findings
    -40 American Men given role of either teacher or learner 
    -fixed roles confederate was Mr Wallace
    -told to give shocks to learner for wrong answers, going up by 15V to 450
    -Ppt given 45V for realism
    -no one stopped before 300V
    -65% went to 450V
  • Milgram's variations- uniform, proximity, location
    uniform- no uniform= dropped to 20%
    proximity- over the phone= dropped to 40%
    location- when in a run down office block= dropped to 47.5%
  • -lacks generalisability 
    -lacks internal validity
    -ethical issues
    HOWEVER- ppts met Mr Wallace and were debriefed
    -Bickman 1973 research support
  • Legitimacy Of Authority + A Weakness
    -People have authority positions because they are entrusted by society 
    -we are more likely to obey those who have social power
    -can't explain all disobedience
  • The Authoritarian Personality-origins, characteristics, F-Scale
    -those who experienced conditional love feel hostility towards parents which is displaced onto those they view are "lower" socially"
    -they are obedient towards authority
    -F- scale measures level of fascism, those who score higher are more likely to have an AP 
  • AP Evaluation
    -Research Support- interviewed Milgram's ppts, those who were more obedient felt hostility towards parents and also scored high on the F scale
    -Response Bias (all questions worded in a similar way)
    -Political Bias
  • Define Agentic State/Shift
    -Situational Explanation of Obedience
    -Autonomous State- person takes responsibility
    -Agentic State-shifts the blame and "follows" orders
  • Agentic State Evaluation
    -Research support- ppts continued when reassured that experimenter was to take responsibility
    -Does not fully explain obedience
  • Social Support
    -conformity less likely when someone breaks unanimity
    -obedience less likely with dissenter- Milgram's experiment 65%-10%
    -Allen + Levine 1971, Asch experiment with confederate with bad eyesight, conformity was 36%
  • Locus of Control
    -Rotter 1966
    -External- fate + luck 
    -Internal = self responsibility
    -Internal LOC more likely to resist
    -Holland 1967, internal LOC 37% did not go to 450V
    -Twenge et al (2004), young Americans had external LOC but more likely to resist