Minority Influence

Cards (6)

  • Factors affecting Minority Influence
    -Consistency- diachronic - over time, synchronic- between members
    -Moscovici et al blue/green slide- 8% when lacking in consistency
    -commitment- augmentation principle: making sacrifices
    -flexibility- ability to compromise
  • one strength of minority influence is there is research support by Moscovici
  • one limitation of minority influence is the tasks used to test it are often artificial and therefore lack ecological validity.
  • minority influence can lead to social change.
  • minority influence has 6 main steps.
    1. Draw attention
    2. Consistency – presented consistent message and intent
    3. Deeper processing – others think more deeply about issue
    4. Augmentation principle – taking risks
    5. Snowball effect – minority grows to become majority
    6. Social cryptomnesia – people forget source of change
  • one limitation is deeper processing may jot be a part of social influence. people may just change their behaviour due to obedience or normative social influence