Learning Theory

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  • Learning theory was proposed by Dollard + Miller in 1950s. They stated that attachment was formed based on 'cupboard love' as it is focused on food. Learning theory involves operant and classical conditioning
  • Classical conditioning-Food (UCS) produces pleasure (UCR). Primary caregiver (NS) becomes associated with food, becoming a conditioned stimulus (CS) producing 'pleasure' (CR).
  • Operant conditioning of infants-Crying is positively reinforced by attention.
  • Operant conditioning of caregivers-Attention is negatively reinforced by cessation of crying.
  • Secondary drive-Satisfaction of the primary hunger drive is associated with the caregiver.
  • One criticism of social learning theory is there is conflicting evidence from animal studies. Geese imprinted on the first moving object regardless of food
  • Another criticism of learning theory is conflicting human studies. Isabella et al. found that interactional synchrony improved attachment
  • One strength of learning theory is some conditioning may play a role on attachment- ie comfort. However conditioning gives infants a passive role which in fact it is not.