Cultural Variations

Cards (5)

  • van IJzendoorn and Kroonenberg-Procedure: meta analysis of attachment types in 32 studies in eight countries.
  • Findings-highest was secure attachment across all studies. West Germany had the highest insecure avoidant. Collectivist cultures had the lowest insecure avoidant but the highest insecure resistant- above 25%
  • one limitation is the data varied more between countries than across countries. For example, in America one study was 46% secure, another was 90%
  • Another limitation is samples were disproportionate- there were 18 studies in America alone.
  • another limitation is imposed etic. The procedure is American and can therefore not be applied to countries who take different approaches to attachment. German babies were highly insecure avoidant. however German culture prioritises independence in children. CA: Morelli's study of the Efe found babies were 80% securely attached- cross cultural imposed etic may not be an issue