Observational Techniques

Cards (10)

  • Covert Observations

    An undisclosed observation and consists of observing people without their knowledge. P's may be informed of their involvement after the study is over
  • Overt Observations

    Overt=open. Observations are open and the participants know/are aware that they are being observed.
  • Participant Observation
    When the person conducting the observation is taking part in the activity being observed
  • Non-Participant Observations 

    The person who is conducting the observation does no participate
  • Naturalistic Observations 

    When the observation is carried out in an unaltered setting, the observer will not interfere with the setting whatsoever.
  • Controlled Observations
    Conducted under strict conditions eg a lab. Extraneous variables are fully controlled in this type of observation
  • Structured Observations
    Will organise data into behavioural categories
  • Un-structured observations
    Involves every instance of the observed behaviour being recorded and described in as much detail as possible.
  • Time Sampling
    Where an observer records behaviour at prescribed intervals
  • Event Sampling
    Where an observer records the number of times that the target behaviour occurs