
Cards (18)

  • Questionaires
    A type of self report technique, where participants provide information relating to their thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
  • Open Questions
    Allows participants to answer however they want, generating qualitative data since there is no fixed number of responses to select from.
  • Closed Questions
    Restricts the participant to a predetermined set of responses and therefore generates quantitative data.
  • Open Question Strengths
    Less chance of researcher bias, and detailed answers obtained
  • Limitations of Open questions
    Participants may answer in a socially desirable way making the answers less valid
  • Closed question strengths
    Easy to analyse quantitative data, discover trends and replicate research
  • Limitations of closed questions 

    Predetermined list of questions limits responses ability to explore interesting answers. Response bias
  • Interviews
    Predominantly take place on a face to face basis although they can happen over telephone too
  • The three different types of interview
    • structured
    • unstructured
    • semi-structured
  • Structured Interviews
    The questions are decided on in advance and they are asked in the exactly the same manner and order for each interview.
  • Unstructured Interviews
    Conducted more like a conversation , with the interviewer only facilitating the discussion rather than asking set questions. Very little is decided in advance. Therefore this method of interview produces a large amount of qualitative data .
  • Semi-structured interviews
    Comprimises of prepared questions that can be supplemented with additional questions as seen fit by the interviewer.
  • Strengths of structured interviews
    easier to analyse quantitative data; discover trends; replicability
  • Strengths of unstructured interviews
    less chance of demand characteristics and investigation effects
  • Strength of semi structured interviews
    rich and interesting g qualitative data; less chance of social desirability bias
  • Limitations of structured interviews
    increased risk of investigator effects
  • limitations of unstructured limitations
    difficult to analyse qualitative data; time consuming and expensive
  • Limitations of semi structured interviews
    higher chance of demand characteristics in comparison to unstructured interviews