Features of Science

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  • Objectivity
    Researchers need to remain objective. Lab experiments are the most objective method as there is a high level of control
  • Empirical methods 

    The idea that knowledge is gained from direct experiences in an objective, systematic and controlled manner to produce quantitative data
  • Replicability
    The ability to conduct research again and achieve consistent results. The findings need to be truly generalised and valid otherwise it will be falsifiable ]
  • Hypothesis testing 

    A hypothesis has to be objective and measurable so that at the end of the investigation there is a clear decision that can be made as to whether results have supported or refuted the hypothesis
  • Paradigms
    A set of shared assumptions and methods within a particular discipline
  • Paradigm shift 

    if there is a field of study that moves forward through its scientific revolution it can be contradictory and therefore be a paradigm shift