biological approach

    Cards (9)

    • genetics
      genes are inherited and can include neurotransmitter levels
    • family studies
      • Gottesman (1991) family study
      • found genetic similarities increase sz risk, in identical twins who share 100% DNA, 48% increased risk
      • in parents who share 50% DNA, 6% increased risk
      • but this is correlational data which also includes a shared environment
    • candidate genes
      • sz is polygenic (lots of linked genes)
      • Ripke did a meta analysis of genetic studies and found 108 variations. 37,000 out of 113,000 had sz
      • meaning sz has many factor origins
    • role of mutation
      • increased sz risk even with no inheritance
      • radiation, poison, virus, age of dad
      • Brown(2002) found if dad was below 25, 0.7% increase and if he was above 50, 2% increase
    • neural correlates
      patterns of brain activity occurring with an experience
    • original DA hypothesis
      • hyper dopaminergia is linked to sz symptoms
      • high DA is linked to speech poverty in Broca's area
      • Seeman, antipsychotics which reduce DA produced Parkinson's symptoms
    • updated DA hypothesis
      • Davis found low dopamine levels in hypodopaminergia in brain's cortex linked to sz symptoms
    • real-life application
      • genetic counselling, if parents have schizophrenic relatives, they can seek counselling to see if their child is at risk
      • however, the counselling figure is just a guess, not 100% accurate
      • also doesn't consider environment
    • environmental factors- limitation
      • smoking canabis as a teen increases sz by 17.4% (psychological influences)
      • nurture over nature and childhood trauma icreasesrisk by 67%