Compare the shapes/size of frontalis and occipitalis
Frontalis is broader and longer than occipitalis and has no bony attachment. Occipitalis is shorter and narrower than frontalis and does have a bony attachment
What is the origin of the occipitalis muscle?
occipital bone and mastoid process of temporal bone. Lateral 2/3rds of superior nuchal line.
What is the insertion of the occipitalis muscle?
epicranial aponeurosis
What is the action of the occipitalis muscle?
draws scalp posteriorly
What is the origin of the orbicularis oculi muscle?
medial wall of orbit
What is the insertion of the orbicularis oculi muscle?
circular path around orbit
What is the action of the orbicularis oculi muscle?
closes eye
What is the origin of the zygomaticus minor muscle?
zygomatic bone
What is the insertion of the zygomaticus minor muscle?
upper lip
What is the action of the zygomaticus minor muscle?
What is the origin of the zygomaticus major muscle?
zygomatic bone
What is the insertion of the zygomaticus major muscle?
skin at angle of mouth and blends with fibres of orbicularis oris
What is the action of the zygomaticus major muscle?
draws angle of mouth superiorly and laterally (smiling)
What is the origin of the platysma muscle?
fascia over deltoid and pectoralis major muscles
What is the insertion of the platysma muscle?
mandible, blends with muscles around angle of mouth, skin of lower face.
What is the action of the platysma muscle?
draws outer part of lower lip inferiorly and posteriorly = pouting. Depresses the mandible.
What is the structure of the orbicularis oris muscle?
not elliptical, has four quadrants: x2 pars peripheralis and 2x pars marginalis
What is the origin of the orbicularis oris muscle?
skin and muscle fibres surrounding lips
what is the insertion of the orbicularis oris muscle?
mucous membrane of lips at corner of mouth
Orbicularis oris muscle action
compresses and protrudes lips against teeth, shapes lips during speech. (kissing)
What nerve innervates all muscles of facial expression?
facial nerve CNVII (7th cranial nerve)
mentalis muscle origin
incisive fossa of mandible
mentalis muscle insertion
skin of chin
mentalis muscle action
wrinkles chin, protrudes and everts lower lip, raises lower lip and mentolabial sulcus. Expression = pout, disdain, doubt
structure of mentalis muscle
vertical orientation, cone shaped, lies lateral to frenulum of lower lip, courses inferiorly
buccinator muscle origin
pterygomandibular raphe and lateral surface of alveolar process of maxilla and mandible in region of molars.
buccinator muscle insertion
blend with orbicularis oris and submucosa
buccinator muscle action
compress cheeks against teeth and lips, whistling, blowing, sucking, draws corners of mouth laterally
buccinator muscle structure
transverse and anterior orientation, quadrilateral muscle, deepest extrinsic muscle of the lips, fibres course anteriorly and medial, central fibres of muscle decussate
masseter muscle origin
zygomatic arch and maxilla
masseter muscle insertion
lateral surface of mandibular ramus and angle
masseter muscle action
Elevation, protrusion, lateral deviation of mandible at temporomandibular joint.