Anxiety, fear, hopelessness, sleeplessness, thoughts of suicide
Focus on pain, reports of pain, cries and moans, frowns and facial grimaces
Decrease in cognitive function, mental confusion, altered temperament, high somatization, and dilated pupils
Increased heart rate; peripheral, systemic, and coronary vascular resistance; increased blood pressure
Increased respiratory rate and sputum retention, resulting in infection and atelectasis
Decreased gastric and intestinal motility
Decreased urinary output, resulting in urinary retention, fluid overload, depression of all immune responses
Increased antidiuretic hormone, epinephrine, norepinephrine, aldosterone, glucagons; decreased insulin, testosterone
Hyperglycemia, glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, protein catabolism
Muscle spasm, resulting in impaired muscle function and immobility, perspiration