Anabstractclass defined in the java.lang package that serves as the superclass for all numeric wrapper classes such as Integer, Double, Float, Long, Short, and Byte
Number class
Providescommonmethods for convertingnumericvalues to other primitive data types like int, long, float, and double
Methods in Number class
Methods in Numberclass are used to obtain the correspondingprimitivevalues of the wrapped number
Bounded type parameters
Usedtorestrictthetypes that can be used as type arguments in a parameterized type, e.g. a method that operates on numbers mightonlywanttoacceptinstancesofNumbersortheirsubclasses
Deal withabstractdatatypes, help in the independent manipulation of java collections from representation details, and are usedtoachievingmultipleinheritance in java forminghierarchies
Generic interface
An interface that declares one or moretype parameters, which act asplaceholders for the actual data types that implementing classes will use
A framework that providesanarchitecture to storeandmanipulate the group of objects
Java Collection
A single unit of objects
A class that implementstheListinterface, usesadynamic array to store the duplicate elementofdifferentdatatypes, maintains the insertion order, and allowsrandomaccess to the elements
ArrayList is internallybacked by the array in Java
We cannotstoreprimitive type in ArrayList, it stores only objects and automatically converts primitive type to object
A basicfunctionality provided by Java, whereas ArrayList is a class of Java Collections framework