Ferdinand Tonnies He was a significant contributor to sociological theory and field studies, best known for distinguishing between two types of social groups, Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft.
Refers to a group of individuals mainly characterized by a sense of common identity, close personal relationships, and an attachment to traditional and sentimental concerns
Emotions and sentiments drive social ties and interactions
Implicit rules
Rural, small-scale, homogeneous societies
Achieve its equilibrium through morals, social control, and conformism
Refers to a group of people mainly characterized by impersonal relations, formal organization, the absence of generally held or binding norms, and a detachment from traditional and sentimental concerns
Rationality is the driving factor
Explicit rules
Large-scale, industrial, and cosmopolitan societies
Achieve its equilibrium through laws, police, tribunals and prisons
Love, affection, respect
Money, physical labor
Blau’s concept of socialexchange is limited to actions that are contingent, that depend, on rewarding reactions from others