For halothane, MAC is 1.1% in neonates, 0.95% in infants, 0.9% at 1-2 years, 0.75% at 40 years, and 0.65% at 80 years
Colourless, highly volatile liquid with characteristic smell
Forms flammable/explosive mixtures in air and oxygen-enriched environments
Manufactured by heating ethyl alcohol and concentrated sulfuric acid
Relatively high blood/gas solubility coefficient of 12, slow equilibration of alveolar with inspired concentration
Irritant to respiratory tract, provokes coughing, breath-holding, and profuse secretions
Usually administered using an anaesthetic breathing system with non-calibrated (Boyle's bottle) or calibrated (Emo) vaporizer, occasionally using a Schimmelbusch mask
Colourless liquid with relatively pleasant smell
Decomposed by light, stabilized by addition of 0.01% thymol and storage in amber bottles
It may take at least 30 minutes for the alveolar inspired concentration of halothane to reach 50% of the inspired concentration, slower than for enflurane or isoflurane
Halothane metabolism and effects
About 20% metabolized in the liver, usually by oxidative pathways
Non-irritant and pleasant to breathe during induction
Rapid loss of pharyngeal and laryngeal reflexes
Inhibition of salivary and bronchial secretion
Antagonizes bronchospasm and reduces airway resistance
Arrhythmias are very common, more frequent than with enflurane or isoflurane
Relaxes uterine muscle, may cause postpartum hemorrhage
Causes skeletal muscle relaxation and potentiates non-depolarizing relaxants
Post-operative shivering is common
Halothane remains the drug of choice for pediatric anaesthesia, in preference to enflurane or isoflurane
Advantages of halothane
Rapid, smooth induction
Minimal stimulation of salivary and bronchial secretions, no need for atropine
Muscle relaxation
Relatively rapid recovery
Disadvantages of halothane
Poor analgesia
Post-operative shivering
Possibility of liver toxicity, especially with repeated administration
Clear, colourless, pleasant ethereal smell
Non-flammable in clinical use
Stable with soda lime and metals, does not require preservative
Blood/gas solubility coefficient of 1.9
About 2.5% of absorbed dose is metabolized, predominantly to fluoride
Enflurane is non-irritant and does not increase salivary or bronchial secretions
Enflurane is associated with a much smaller incidence of arrhythmias than halothane and much less sensitization of the myocardium to catecholamines
First introduced into clinical practice in the USA
Clear, colourless, pleasant ethereal smell
Non flammable in clinical
Stable with soda lime and metals and does not require preservative
Blood/gas solubility coefficient is 1.9
About 2.5% of the absorbed dose is metabolized, predominantly to fluoride
Non irritant and does not increase salivary or brondual secretions
Associated with much smaller incidence of arrhythmias than halothane and much less sensitization of the myocardium to catecholamines either endogenous or exogenous
Produces dose-dependent depression of EEG activity, but at moderate to high concentration (more than 3%) it produces epileptiform paroxysmal spike activity and burst suppression
Approved by the food and drug administration in the USA
Colourless, slightly purgent odour
Stable and does not react with metal or other substances and does not require preservatives
Non-flammable in clinical concentration
Least soluble blood/gas solubility co-efficient is 1.4
Due of pungency, the incidence of coughing or breath holding on induction is significantly greater with isoflurane than with halothane
Only 0.17 of the absorbed dose is metabolized
Coronary steal syndrome due to coronary vessel vasodilatation at the stenosed area not perfussed
Low concentration of isoflurance do not cause any changes in the cerebral blood flow at normocapnia
Higher inspired concentrations of isoflurance cause vasodilation and increase cerebral blood flow
It does not cause seizure activity on EEG
Methylpropyl ether
Early 1970
First used in humans
Non-flammable, with pleasant smell, blood/gas co-efficient 0.6
Oil-gas partition co-efficient of 55 and MAC value of 2.0%
Does not appear stable in sodalime
Does not sensitize the myocardium to cathecolamine and it appears to have relatively little effect on the cardio vascular and respiratory system
Its physical properties suggests that it may be useful for gaseous induction of anaesthesia in children
1st used in humans in 1988
The structure differs from isoflurane only in the substitution of fluorine for chlorine
Blood/gas solubility co-efficient of or 0.42, oil-gas partition co-efficient of 18.7
Because of the boiling point of 23.50C, it cannot be used with conventional vapourizers
No preservatives
Stable with sodal lime
Has ethereal but much less pungent odour than isoflurane
Undergoes minimal biodegradation and does not sensitise the myocardium to cathecolamus
Uptake and elimination of desflurance are virtually identical to those of nitrous oxide and the drug therefore has theoretical advantage over the conventional volatile anesthetic agent
Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
Produced commercially heating ammonium nitrate to a temperature of 245-2700C
After production the higher oxide of nitrogen dissolve in water to form nitrous and nitric acid
These substances are toxic and produce met hb and pulmonary oedema if inhaled
In the past these have been several reports of death occurring during anesthesia as a result of the inhalation of nitrous oxide contaminated with higher oxide of nitrogen