Art is one of the oldest and most important means of expression developed by man.
Art involves the personalexperiences of an individual accompanied by some intensity of emotion.
The term "art" comes from the Latin word ars, which means to-do or man-made
Contemporary art refers to the art that is created in the present, the most recent form of art.
Contemporary art in the Philippines is based on the life and the times of the Filipino people as it depicts the way of life. So, it is a reflection of the country's identity and it is a great way to promote its culture.
The nature of art is it allows the expression of individuality through a set of skills. It is a mean of communicating and covering insights and emotions.
The classifications of art are performingarts, visualarts, literature and sculptural.
Performingarts refer to using the body as a medium, moving from one place to another.
Visualarts usually exist in a two-dimensional form and stay in one place. It is something we can see.
Literature talks about our language that affects our imagination and makes us think.
Sculptural is a three-dimensional art that we can see. It stays in one place.
Pre-13th century was the start of ethnicarts which were integraltolife.
13thCentury was the start of islamic art, practicing geometric designs.
The Spanishera was around 1521-1898 when the Spaniards used art for religious propaganda. Art was used for faith and catechism
Americanera occurred around 1898-1940, where secular forms of art were born.
1941-1945 was the Japanese era when orientalizing was the norm. This was also the time the Filipinos lost their freedom of speech and expression, ceasing art for a moment.
1946 - 1969 was the modernera after World War 2 where topics of nationalidentify began to appear.
1970'sandabove is the present where contemporary art is currently being practiced.
Form includes shapes and perceived volume
Line marks the distance between two points
Color is produced when light strike an image and creates the mood.
Space is an area which is occupied by an object (either positive or negative).
Texture denotes the smoothness, ruggedness of the image
Shape can be geometric, natural, irregular, rectangle, oval, or octagon.