Nursing management of dystocia / dysfunctional labor
1. Optimize uterine activity: Monitor uterine contractions for dysfunctional patterns; use palpation and an electronic monitor
2. Prevent unnecessary fatigue: Check the client's level of fatigue and ability to cope with pain
3. Prevent complications of labor for the client and infant: Assess urinary bladder; catheterize as needed; Assess maternal vital signs, including temperature, pulse, respiratory rates, and blood pressure; Check maternal urine for acetone (an indication of dehydration and exhaustion); Assess condition of fetus by monitoring FHR, fetal activity, and color of amniotic fluid
4. Provide physical and emotional support: Promote relaxation through bathing and keeping the client and bed clean, back rubs, frequent position changes (side-lying position), walking (if indicated), and by keeping the environment quiet; Coach the client in breathing and relaxation techniques
5. Provide client and family education