Tight junctions: Close space between cells, located among cells that form linings
Desmosomes: Form "spot welds" between cells, located among outer skin cells
Gap junctions: Tubular channels between cells, located in cardiac muscle cells
Epithelial tissue
Cover organs and the body
Line body cavities
Line hollow organs
Have a free surface
Have a basement membrane
Are avascular
Cells readily divide
Cells tightly packed
Cells often have desmosomes
Function in protection, secretion, absorption, and excretion
Simple squamous epithelium
Single layer of flat cells, substances pass easily through
Simple cuboidal epithelium
Single layer of cube-shaped cells, line kidney tubules, cover ovaries, line ducts of some glands
Simple columnar epithelium
Single layer of elongated cells, nuclei usually near the basement, sometimes possess cilia or microvilli, often have goblet cells, line uterus, stomach, intestines
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Single layer of elongated cells, nuclei at two or more levels, appear striated, often have cilia or goblet cells, line respiratory passageways
Stratified squamous epithelium
Many cell layers, top cells are flat, can accumulate keratin, outer layer of skin, line oral cavity, vagina, and anal canal
Stratified cuboidal epithelium
3 layers of cube-shaped cells, line ducts of mammary glands, sweat glands, salivary glands, and the pancreas
Stratified columnar epithelium
Top layer of elongated cells, cube-shaped cells in deeper layers, line part of male urethra and part of pharynx
Transitional epithelium
Many cell layers, cube-shaped and elongated cells, line urinary bladder, ureters, and part of urethra
Glandular epithelium
Composed of cells specialized to produce and secrete substances
Endocrine glands are ductless (hormone)
Exocrine glands have ducts
Unicellular exocrine gland: composed of one cell (goblet cell)
Multicellular exocrine gland: composed of many cells (sweat glands, salivary glands, etc.)
Cellular product, portions of cells, mammary glands, ceruminous glands
Holocrine glands
Secretory products are whole cells, sebaceous glands
Connective tissues
Most abundant tissue type
Many functions: bind structures, provide support and protection, serve as frameworks, fill spaces, store fat, produce blood cells, protect against infections, help repair tissue damage
Have an extracellular matrix
Have varying degrees of vascularity
Have cells that usually divide
Major cell types in connective tissue
Mast cells
Fixed cell, most common cell, large star-shaped, produce fibers
Mast cells
Fixed cell, release heparin and histamine
Wandering cell, phagocytic, important in injury or infection
Fiber types in connective tissue
Collagenous fibers
Reticular fibers
Elastic fibers
Collagenous fibers
Thick, composed of collagen, great tensile strength, abundant in dense connective tissue, hold structures together (tendons, ligaments)
Reticular fibers
Very thin collagenous fibers, highly branched, form supportive networks
Elastic fibers
Bundles of microfibrils embedded in elastin, fibers branch, elastic (vocal cords, air passages)
Types of connective tissue
Loose connective tissue
Adipose tissue
Reticular connective tissue
Dense connective tissue
Elastic connective tissue
Loose connective tissue
Mainly fibroblasts, fluid to gel-like matrix, collagenous and elastic fibers, binds skin to structures, beneath most epithelia, blood vessels nourish nearby epithelial cells, between muscles