Research on capacity - Digit span

Cards (6)

  • What is digit span?
    How much information can STM hold at any one time.
  • Who conducted this research and when?
    Jacobs (1887)
  • Procedure-
    The researcher gives ,for example, 4 digits and then the participant is asked to recall these in the correct order out loud. If this is correct the researcher reads out 5 digits and so on until the participant cannot recall the order correctly. This determines the individual's digit span
  • Findings-
    Jacobs found that the mean span for digits across all participants was 9.3 items. The mean span for letters was 7.3
  • Strengths of the study-
    - Lab experiment
    - Replicable
  • Weaknesses of the study-
    - Conducted a long time ago and thus lack's validity