Selecting and Organizing Information

Cards (20)

  • Brainstorming
    • group exercise in which each person expresses their ideas as they arise
    • ideas are classified and prioritized for further action
  • Brainstorming List
    • method for listing potential subjects from a broad topic
    • you can quickly produce thoughts and retain precise facts about a subject
  • Simple Steps of Brainstorming Process (According to Osborn, 1963)
    1. Ideas Generation
    2. Ideas Combination
    3. Evaluation and Validation
    4. Generate New Ideas
    5. Selection of Best Ideas
  • Graphic Organizers
    • visual representations of concepts that help us structure information into organizational patterns
    • present essential information and connect these pieces of information into a coherent framework
    • help others focus on the relationships or connections of the ideas presented with other details
  • Problem-Solution Map
    • nature of the problem and how it can be solved
  • Outline
    • how the parts of a text are related to one another as parts that are of equal importance, or sections that are subordinate to a main idea
    • "blueprint"
  • Outline Formats
    1. Alphanumeric
    2. Decimal
  • Alphanumeric
    • both letters and numbers
  • Decimal
    • only numbers
  • Principles of Outlining
    1. Coordination
    2. Subordination
    3. Division
    4. Parallel Construction
  • Coordination
    • Requires ideas of the same relevance to be labeled in the same way
  • Subordination
    • Shows that minor details must be placed under their respective major details
  • Division
    • Requires that no cluster should contain only one item
  • Kinds of Outline
    1. Sentence Outline
    2. Topic Outline
  • Sentence Outline
    • complete sentences
    • also known as expanded outline
  • Topic Outline
    • systematic arrangement of ideas using broad topics in the form of words or simple phrases as headers
  • Topic Outline
    • series of ideas organized in a certain sequence that demonstrates how information is presented in writing
    • broken into two parts: headings and subheadings
  • Sentence Outline
    • much more accurate because it states the main and secondary ideas in complete sentences
  • Steps in Creating an Outline
    1. Brainstorming - List all ideas that you want to include in your paper
    2. Organizing - Group all related ideas together
    3. Ordering - Arrange material in subsections from general to specific of from abstract to concrete
    4. Labeling - Create main ideas and sub-headings
  • Benefits of Outlining
    • It easily shows the relationship of ideas.
    • It helps organize your ideas.
    • It simplifies and helps you to save time in writing.
    • It helps effective speaking.