actin and actin binding proteins (microfilaments)

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  • actin is a globular protein monomer (G actin) (42kD) that polymerizes to form long filamentous polymers (F actin)
  • actin microfilaments provide structural support, generates force and restricts diffusion of organelles
  • two major types of actin filaments: cortical actin and stress fibers
  • cortical actin: at cell periphery (also called lamellipodia)
    • can form long projections (filopodia)
  • stress fibers: structural support consisting of actin, myosin and accessory proteins throughout the cell
  • cell motility and movement is driven by actin
  • actin creates a scaffolding within the cell which provides places for the vescicle and other organelles to attach onto
  • actin: several isoforms exist which are > 90% identical
  • humans have 6 actin genes: beta and gamma isoform in non muscle cells and 4 alpha isoforms in muscle cells
  • in muscle, actin and myosin >60% of total protein
  • in non muscle, actin + actin associated proteins >25% of total
  • >60 families of actin associated proteins
    • this is what regulates the proteins
  • if you inhibit actin you're dead
  • actin associated proteins: interact with actin in some way
  • F actin is polarized: has a barbed (+) end (at membrane) and a pointed (-) end (interior of cell)
  • plus end is being added to
  • polymerizes from plus end
  • minus end is not polymerizing
  • there is a single ATP per actin molecule
  • actin is very prevalent at cell cortex
  • actin is added to plus end as cell is moving, actin polymerization is what is driving the movement of the cell
  • have filopodia on either side of the lamellipodia
  • actin binds ATP, ADP and Mg++ (very weak ATPase activity)
  • actin binds ATP with higher affinity than ADP
  • unpolymerized actin is in ATP bound form
  • nucleotide exchange on actin is regulated by actin binding proteins
  • in low salt conditions, actin is a monomer
  • actin polymerizes quickly in presence of salt
  • F actin shrinks and grows at both ends (but is faster growth at plus end)
  • ADP filament is very unstable
    ATP filament is very stable
  • majority of G actin is bound to ATP
    • called G actin pools
    • huge excess compared to what the cell needs
    • cell needs can change so it needs a lot of actin in case it needs it
  • F actin polymerization occurs at plus end and depolymerization is predominantly from the minus end
  • 3 monomers of actin together at the beginning = trimer (generates F actin)
  • actin trimers act as nucleus for further polymerization
  • ATP hydrolysis occurs randomly throughout the filament, leaving filament with ADP bound actin
  • hydrolysis modifies behavior of filament
    • allows other actin binding proteins to bind
  • actin treadmilling: loss of monomers from the pointed end are used for growing the barbed end (after recharging with ATP)
    • if loss at the minus end is faster than the gain at th eplus end, you get filaments
  • actin starts as a trimer and every actin molecule added after is a monomer.
    as polymer grows into F actin, the ATP hydrolysis rate will start to pick up
    growing at plus end while shrinking at minus end
  • actin polymerization is controlled by actin associated proteins: monomer (G actin) binding, severing (breaks F actin), capping (caps filament ends), cross linking (holds filaments together)
  • once an F actin filament has grown to the right length it can be capped, which can stop polymerization from growing from the plus end