asymptomatic and shed within first 3 months of life
Cngenital Epulis; similar in appearance to dental lamina cyst, typically appears in anterior maxillary region
may recede spontaneously, if large it may result in feeding problems and will require excision
recurrence = unlikely
Natal/ neonatal teeth:
typically lowerincisors
natal teeth = at birth
neonatal teeth = within first30daysoflife
85% can make up part of normal primarydentition and are not supernumary.
efforts should be made to trytoretain these teeth, except if they are hyper mobile, and there is concern of aspiration
associated with Riga Fede disease
you may be the first sign of syndrome, including Ellis van Creveld syndrome and Hallermann-streiff
Traumaticulcer on the ventralsurface of the tongue caused by rubbing of the tongue on the newly erupted, sharp incisal edge of the mandibular anterior teeth
treatment = smoothingincisaledges
tooth needs to be polisheddown or extracted if child exhibits decreased feeding and weight
high incidence in children with; cerebral palsy and congenitalindifferencetopain.
Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor:
rare benign tumor of neuroectodermal origin
appears as an exophyticnon-ulceratedmass on the maxillary alveolarmucosa