Nonspecific enzyme capable of reacting with many different substrates
Functions to liberate Inorganic phosphate from an organic phosphate ester with the concomitant production of an alcohol
Tissue sources of ALP
Liver, bone, placenta and intestinal
Reference value for ALP: 30-90 U/L
Major Isoenzymes of ALP
Liver ALP
Bone ALP
Placental ALP
Intestinal ALP
Acid phosphatase
An enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphate esters at acidic pH
Diagnostic Significance of ALP
When total ALP levels are increased, it is the major liver fraction that is most frequently elevated, especially in obstructive jaundice
For bone disorders, highest elevations occur in Paget's disease (osteitis deformans)
Bone ALP isoform, B1x, was detected in the serum of dialysis patients and is used to study low bone mineral disease (BMD) in patients with chronic kidney disease
B1x isoform is also increased in the serum of individuals with BMD of the hip, which is predominantly made up of trabecular bone
Acid phosphatase assay method
1. 1-naphthyl phosphate is hydrolyzed by acid phosphatase to phosphate and 1-napththol
2. 1-napththol is converted with FRTR-salt to an azo dye
3. Increase of absorbance at 405nm is proportional to the total acid phosphatase activity in the sample
Carcinoplacental ALP
Regan ALP - found in lung, breast, ovarian and gynecological cancers; bone ALP co-migrator; mostly heat stable ALP (65°C for 30 minutes); Inhibited by phenylalanine reagent
Nagao ALP - found in adenocarcinoma of the pancreas and bile duct, pleural cancer; variant of Regan ALP; Inhibited by L-leucine and phenylalanine
Methods for ALP analysis
Heat Fractionation/Stability Test
Chemical Inhibition Test
Bowers and Mc. Comb (Szasz modification)
Assay materials
Buffer: Citrate Buffer (pH5.2) 100mmol/l
Substrate: 1-naphthyl phosphate 19umol/l
FR TR-salt 2umol/l
Stabiliser: Acetic acid 0.7mul
Calibrator: AUTOCAL
Controls: Huma Trol N, Huma Trol P, SERODUS, SERODUS plus
Summary of ALP Methods
King and Armstrong
Bessy, Lowry & Brock
Bowers and McComb
Huggins and Talalay
Klein, Babson & Read
Reagent preparation
Dissolve the contents of 1 bottle Substrate with exactly 2 ml of Buffer
Zinc is a component of ALP, and magnesium is the enzyme activator
Serum (No plasma)
Ingestion of food leads to release of intestinal ALP into lymphatic fluid, and may transiently increase plasma levels of ALP
Sample considerations
Separate serum from RBC after centrifugation
Analyze immediately (within 1-2 hours)
Hemolysis and diet (fatty meals) are sources of analytical errors that can lead to elevated serum ALP
Sample preparation
1. Stabilise samples, AUTOCAL, and Controls by addition of one drop of stabiliser to 1 ml sample immediately after separation/reconstitution
2. Samples will remain stable for 3 days at 2-8°C, 24 hours at 15-25°C
ALP is sensitive if stored at low temperature (4°C) - leads to increased serum level
ALP is inhibited by phosphorus - the addition of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP) buffer binds phosphorus under Bowers-McComb method
Assay conditions
Wavelength: Hg 405nm
Optical path: 1 cm
Temperature: 37°C
Measurement: against air (increasing absorbance)
Decreased ALP is seen in zinc deficiency
Assay procedure
1. Warm working reagent and cuvettes up to 37°C
2. Pipette 100ul sample and 1000ul working reagent into cuvette
3. Mix, read absorbance A1 after 5 minutes and start stopwatch
4. Read absorbance A2 exactly after 3 minutes at 37°C
5. Calculate A = A2 - A1
Transient low serum ALP may occur after blood transfusion or cardiopulmonary bypass
Prolonged low levels of ALP occur in hypophosphatasia
Total Acid phosphatase activity (U/l) = A x 248
Placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) is a useful tumor marker in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for most germ cell tumors - CSF levels of PLAP are of diagnostic value in differentiating whether a tumor in the pineal body is a pinealoma or a germ cell tumor
Conversion: 1U/l = 16.67 x 10-3 ukat/l, 1ukat/l = 60U/l
Conditions with increased ALP
Osteitis deformans
Obstructive jaundice
Osteoblastic bone tumors - osteosarcoma
Hepatitis and cirrhosis (slight increased)
Reference values for total acid phosphatase
Men up to 6.6 U/l
Women up to 5.5 U/l
Acid Phosphatase (ACP)
Catalyzes the same reaction made by ALP, except that it is active at pH 5.0
ACP activity > 50 IU/L indicates the presence of seminal fluid in the sample
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
An enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of an amino group from aspartate to 2-oxoglutarate, producing oxaloacetate and glutamate