the electronic configuration of noble gas is 2 , 8 , 8
the characteristics of noble gases
chemically unreactive
monoatomic (exist as single atoms )
full valence electron shells
duplet configuration: 2 electrons in valence shell
octet configuration: 8 electrons in valence shell
what diagram is used for showing bonding?
dot and cross diagram
fill in blanks
different number of bonds
A) single
B) double
C) triple
fill in blanks
A) single
B) 2
C) double
D) 4
E) triple
F) 6
delocalised electrons
outermost electrons lost by metal atoms, they move freely between metal ions
why do atoms combine?
achieve a noble gas configuration
how to achieve a full valence shell?
lose , gain or share electrons
atoms lose electrons to form cation
net positive charge
usually metallic atoms
atoms gain electrons to form anion
have net negative charge
usually non metallic atoms
ionic bonding definition
mutual electrostatic attraction between ions of opposite charges
ionic compounds
neutral substance consisting of ions of opposite charges held together by ionic bonding. They have no net charge as the total positive and negative charge are equal.
ionic structures
In the solid state, they exist as three-dimensional structure of giant ionic crystal lattice
giant ionic crystal lattice
alternating positive and negative ions in the ionic structure
covalent bonding
bond when two atoms share electrons
single bond
share 1 electron each, total 2 electrons are shared
double bond
share 2 electrons each, total 4 electrons shared
triple bond
share 3 electrons each, total 6 electrons shared
covalent molecules ( elements )
Chlorine (Cl2)
Oxygen (O2)
Nitrogen (N2)
Hydrogen (H2)
covalent molecules: compounds
Water (H2O)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Ammonia (NH3)
Methane (CH4)
covalent structures usually are simple molecules or giant molecules
simple molecules : countable number of atoms in a fixed ratio
giant molecules: uncountable number of atoms
simple covalent molecules
Water and Wax
Giant covalent molecules
Diamond and Graphite
metallic bonding definition
mutual electrostatic attraction between positively charged ions in a metal and a sea of delocalised electrons
why metal atoms cannot bond by ionic bonds?
metal atoms form simple positive ions, not negative ions
metal atoms are held together by strong electrostatic forces of attraction between the positive metal ions and the delocalised electrons
during metallic bonding, metal atoms
form a giant metallic lattice structure
lose their electrons
become positively charged ions
what happens to the electrons which are lost?
they become delocalised and move freely between metal ions