Exercise 2: Photosynthetic Prokaryotes

Cards (18)

  • Eubacteria
    Plant allies, some members like cyanobacteria and chloroxybacteria contributed to the chloroplast lineage of plants (endosymbiotic theory)
  • Prokaryotes
    • Lack organelles like nucleus, chloroplast, mitochondria, dictyosomes, lysosomes, and true vacuoles
    • Mostly unicellular, may aggregate into colonial and filamentous forms
    • Cells enclosed by peptidoglycan cell wall and outer sheath
    • Cytoplasmic membrane shows invaginations called mesosomes responsible for respiration
    • Centrally located nuclear zone or nucleoid region and peripheral zone with granular and/or lamellar structures
    • Reproduction only by asexual means like binary fission, fragmentation, and/or spore formation
  • Photosynthetic prokaryotes studied belong to the kingdom Eubacteria, divisions Cyanophyta and Prochlorophyta
  • Cyanobacteria (Cyanophytes)

    • Photosynthetic mainly due to chlorophyll a, accessory pigments are phycobilins (phycocyanin and phycoerythrin)
    • Colors range from bright blue-green to golden brown due to varying composition of pigments
    • Forms vary from unicellular to colonial and filamentous
  • Chloroxybacteria (Prochlorophytes)

    • Photosynthetic, main accessory pigment is chlorophyll a and b like higher green plants, no phycobilins
    • Include unicellular, filamentous forms; free-living or associated types
  • Anabaena azollae
    • Chain-like organization of cells
    • Heterocysts - yellowish or lighter green than vegetative cells
    • Akinetes - bigger, darker, and more granulated than vegetative cells, resting spores and reproductive agents
    • Vegetative cells
  • Unicellular and colonial cyanobacteria
    1. Distinct parts like in Anabaena azollae
    2. Genus identification
  • Filamentous cyanobacteria
    • Trichome - aggregation of cells that divide only in one direction
    • Filament - trichome and enclosing gelatinous sheath
    • Somatic cells - morphologically alike cells in filaments (homocystous)
    • Necridia - dead cells that look like biconcave separation discs
    • Hormogonia - fragmented, motile filament segments
    • Colonial sheath - gelatinous substance holding colony together
    • Polar nodule - glistening, spherical structure at crosswall between heterocyst and adjacent cell
  • Branching types in filamentous cyanobacteria
    • False branch - initiated without cell division in new plane, trichomes/hormogonia develop faster than enclosing sheath
    • True branch - initiated by division of certain cells in new plane to axial filament
  • Prochloron didemni (Chloroxybacteria)
    • Cell wall - multi-layered, appears to lack external sheath
    • Thylakoid - wide, usually peripheral band; stacked usually in pairs; stacked lamellae form discontinuous bands
    • Cytoplasm - appears to occupy two interconnected zones, narrow band and matrix for thylakoids
  • Photosynthetic pigments
    Used to create cladogram showing relationships between cyanobacteria, chloroxybacteria, and plants
  • Cell wall
    • Multi-layered, appears to lack an external sheath
  • Thylakoid
    • Wide, usually peripheral band; stacked usually in pairs; stacked lamellae form discontinuous bands
  • Cytoplasm
    • Appears to occupy two interconnected zones; the first one forms a narrow band and the second forms a matrix for the thylakoids
  • Morpho-cytological differences between various types of cells in Anabaena azollae, a heterocystous filamentous cyanobacteria
    • Somatic cell
    • Heterocyst
    • Akinete
  • Somatic cell (sc)

    • Shape
    • Color
    • Presence of granulation (+/-)
    • Presence of polar nodules or number of nodules per cell
    • Relative thickness of cell wall (relative to sc)
  • Heterocyst
    • Shape
    • Color
    • Presence of granulation (+/-)
    • Presence of polar nodules or number of nodules per cell
    • Relative thickness of cell wall (relative to sc)
  • Akinete
    • Shape
    • Color
    • Presence of granulation (+/-)
    • Presence of polar nodules or number of nodules per cell
    • Relative thickness of cell wall (relative to sc)