Cards (13)

  • Atom
    Fundamental or basic unit of matter that cannot be further divided
  • Democritus' theory of atoms

    • All matter consists of atoms
    • Atoms are bits of matter too small to be seen
    • There is an empty space between atoms
    • Atoms are completely solid
    • Atoms have no internal structure
    • Each atom (of a different substance) is different in size, weight and shape
  • Dalton's Atomic Theory

    • An atom is an indivisible, uniformly dense, solid sphere (the smallest form of matter)
    • All atoms of a given element have the same unique set of properties
    • A chemical reaction merely consists of a reshuffling of atoms from one set of combinations to another
    • Atoms of different elements always combine in fixed number ratios to produce specific compounds
  • Crookes' cathode ray tube experiment

    • Produced a glowing greenish beam
    • Beam was deflected by a magnet
    • Beam cast a shadow behind the anode
    • Beam was made up of negatively charged particles
  • Thomson's cathode ray tube experiment

    • Beam bent towards positive electric plate
    • Determined charge to mass ratio (e/m) of the particles
    • Atoms have a negatively charged particle called electrons
    • Positive ion formed from H2 was a single particle with a charge equal to but opposite the electron
  • Millikan's oil drop experiment

    • Determined the size of the electric charge of an electron
    • Determined the mass of the electron and the proton
  • Becquerel's discovery of radiation
    • Accidentally discovered radiation when doing experiments with uranium
    • Uranium emitted particles that exposed a photographic plate
  • Curie couple's discovery of radioactive elements
    • Discovered radioactive elements radium and polonium
    • Discovered 3 types of radiation: alpha, beta, and gamma
  • Rutherford's gold foil experiment

    • Alpha particles bounced backwards when fired at gold foil
    • Existence of a very small and extremely dense region called the nucleus in the center of the atom
  • Joliot-Curie and Chadwick's discovery of the neutron
    • Neutral radiation emitted when bombarding Be with alpha particles
    • Neutral radiation was formed by a neutral particle called a neutron
  • Isotopes
    • Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons
  • Isotopes of a given element will differ in their mass numbers while still having the same atomic number
  • With the exception of hydrogen, isotopic forms of other elements are denoted by their mass number