Free will and determinism

Cards (11)

  • Biological determinism = Genes influence behaviours
    • Eg the MAOA-L gene which influences aggressive behaviour
  • Environmental determinism = All behaviour is due to past experiended (via classical conditioning, operant conditioning or SLT)
    • Eg acquiring phobias
  • Psychic determinism = adult behaviour is determined by innate drives and early experiences
    • Eg Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages
  • Scientific determinsm = all events have a cause due to manipulation of an IV to measure the effect of a DV
    • Eg Harlows monkey experiment
  • Undesirable consequences - are all criminals actions set in stone?
  • Libet et al (1983) - EEG activity shows activity in the motor areas of the brain before the person made a conscious decision to do an action
  • Chun Siong Chong (2008) - fMRIs show activity 10s before a conscious choice
  • Trevena and Miller (2009) - brain activity is just readiness to act
  • Applications - such as treatments
  • Ethnocentric - the importance of self-determination varies between cultures. More important in individualist societies
  • Oversimplistic - free will and determinism can co-exist (soft determinism)