Fight or Flight

Cards (7)

  • What are the stages of fight or flight?
    Situation is assessed and perceived as stressful. Then the autonomic nervous system (specifically the sympathetic NS) is triggered. Adrenaline is released from the andrenal medulla into the bloodstream. This causes physiological changes to occur. Once the stressor has passed, parasympathetic NS begins to work to reverse the effects of the sympathetic NS
  • One issue with the fight or flight explanation is that human behaviour is not limited to just two responses. Gray suggests that the first response to danger is to avoid confrontation altogether which is demonstrated by a ‘freeze’ response. During the freeze response, humans are hyper vigilant while they appraise the situation to decide the best course of action for that particular threat. Therefore, it is reductionist as it doesn’t fully explain cognitive and biological factors
  • Another issue with the fight or flight explanation is that it doesn’t fully explain the stress response in females. Taylor et al. suggest that females adopt a ‘tend to befriend‘ response in dangerous situations. According to Taylor et al. women are more likely to protect their offspring and tend to form alliances with other women rather than fight or flight. This shows that the explanation is androcentric
  • Von Dawans et al. challenge the classic view that under stress, men respond only with ’fight or flight’ whereas women are more prone to ‘tend and befriend‘. Dawans et al’s study found that acute stress can actually lead to greater cooperative and friendly behaviour even in men. This could explain the human connections that happens during times of crises. One reason may be because humans are fundamentally social animals and it is protective nature of human social relationship that has allowed our species to thrive
  • What does the sympathetic nervous system do?
    Stimulates the adrenal medulla (part of the adrenal gland)
  • What does the adrenal medulla do?
    Secretes adrenaline into the bloodstream
  • What does adrenaline do?
    Cause a number of physiological changes to prepare the body for fight for flight