Topic 1 - Energy

Cards (32)

  • What is thermal energy?

    Heat energy
  • What is kinetic energy?

    Energy of motion/movement.
  • What is gravitational Energy?

    energy of position or place due to its gravitational field
  • What is elastic potential energy?

    the potential energy of an object that is stretched or compressed
  • What is chemical energy?
    Energy stored in chemical bonds
  • What is magnetic energy?
    Energy causing push or pull
  • What is electrostatic energy?

    potential energy that results from the interaction of charged particles
  • What is nuclear energy?
    energy from breaking atoms apart
  • How can energy be transferred?
    Mechanically, electrically, heating, radiation
  • What is an open system?

    energy and matter can be transferred between the system and its surroundings
  • What is a closed system?
    A system where neither matter nor energy can enter or leave
  • How do you calculate kinetic energy?

    Ek = 1/2 x Mass x velocity²
  • How do you calculate gravitational potential energy?

    Ep = Mass x Gravitational field strength x Height
  • How do you calculate Weight?

    Mass x gravitational field strength
  • What is internal energy?

    The energy stored by the particles that make up a system
  • What is specific heat capacity?
    The amount of energy required to increase the temperature of 1kg of a substance by 1oC
  • How do you calculate specific heat capacity?

    Change in thermal energy = mass x specific heat capacity x temperature change
  • What is the conservation of energy principle?

    Energy can be transferred usefully, stored or dissipated, but can never be created or destroyed
  • What is dissipated energy?

    Wasted energy that is lost to surroundings.
  • How is heat transferred in solids?
  • How is heat transferred in liquids?

  • How is heat transferred in gases?

    Radiation and convection.
  • What is conduction?
    The process where vibrating particles transfer energy to neighboring particles
  • What is convection?

    The transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid
  • What is radiation?
    energy that is transferred or emitted by inferred waves.
  • What is friction?
    the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.
  • What is power?

    the rate at which work is done
    the rate at which energy is transferred.
  • How do you calculate power? (electrical energy)

    Power = energy transferred / time take (to transfer the energy)
  • How do you calculate power? (Energy required)
    Power = work done / time
  • How do you calculate efficiency?
    Useful energy output / total energy input x 100
  • what are the main renewable resources?
    Wind, Solar, Geothermal, Water waves, Biofuels, Hydroelectricity, Tidal
  • Name 3 fossil fuels.
    coal, oil, natural gas