Topic 4 - Atomic Structure

Cards (19)

  • How did John Dalton describe atoms?
    as solid spheres and different spheres made up different elements
  • What model did J.J Thompson create?
    Plum pudding model
  • When was the plum pudding model invented?
  • What was the plum pudding theory?
    spheres of positive charge with tiny negative electrons stuck in them like plums in a plum pudding
  • What model did Ernest Rutherford create?
    Nuclear model
  • When was the nuclear model created?
  • What was the nuclear model?
    a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negative electrons.
  • What did Niels Bohr discover?
    Discovered electrons are arranged according to energy levels = low energy levels close to nucleus
  • When did Niels Bohr make his discovery?
  • What did James Chadwick discover?
    He discovered the neutron
  • What does a radioactive material consist of?
    unstable isotopes that can decay
  • what is an alpha particle made of?
    2 protons and 2 neutrons
  • what is a beta particle made of?
    an electron
  • what is a gamma particle made of?
    electromagnetic waves
  • what charge does a gamma particle have
    no charge
  • what charge does an alpha particle have
  • what charge does a beta particle have?
    negative 1
  • define activity
    Rate at which decay occurs
  • what are the units of activity?
    Becquerels (Bq)